Our Kickboxing training methodology is simple — we focus on fundamentals.



The Apex Martial Arts Center Kickboxing program includes a blend of American KickboxingMuay Thai and Boxing, similar to Dutch-Style Kickboxing. Our instructors have taken their various personal martial arts training experiences to create a well-rounded and balanced kickboxing program that pulls the best elements of these striking arts into a powerful technique-driven discipline.


At Apex Martial Arts, we believe that building strong kickboxing fundamentals is the key to successful training.  We prioritize ensuring that each student consistently demonstrates solid kickboxing fundamentals, which include maintaining a proper stance, executing clean striking techniques (offense), demonstrating calm and controlled defense, and overall body control.  Only after these foundational skills are mastered do we progress to more advanced training techniques.

We recognize that students learn and adapt at different paces. Some grasp the fundamentals quickly, while others may need more time to adjust, especially those who come from different martial arts backgrounds like Taekwondo, Karate, or Boxing.  These students may find it challenging to adapt to kickboxing, as ingrained techniques from previous training can make even simple corrections, like stance adjustments, take longer to implement.

Once basic offensive and defensive skills become second nature, students can progress through the skill levels.  We also accommodate those who wish to learn kickboxing without participating in full-contact training.  Our Cardio Kickboxing class focuses on delivering an intense cardio workout while still teaching the same technical skills.  In this class, students engage in training that utilizes Thai pads, kicking shields, and heavy bags, fostering skill development without the physical exchange inherent in full-contact kickboxing.


Each month, we design a curriculum that builds on the techniques learned in the previous month.  Students practice these techniques until they can execute them comfortably and seamlessly.

As we introduce offensive combinations, we also integrate defensive counters, ensuring that students learn both how to attack and how to defend effectively.

During the last week of each month, we conduct a comprehensive review of all the lessons covered, providing students with constructive feedback on their strengths and areas for improvement.

Every quarter, we revisit the collective lessons learned over the previous months to reinforce skills and knowledge.

This structured approach allows each student to learn and retain techniques at a comfortable pace, ensuring steady progress in their training.

Try a free trial class today and start mastering kickboxing fundamentals that you can build upon!

Apex Martial Arts News


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